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Youngblood of the Peace

Youngblood of the Peace tells the true adventures of an Oblate priest who lived with Cree, Saulteaux and Beaver Indian people of BC and Alberta. It is a book rich with stories of the old ways, of the new ways, of ingenious and sometimes startling methods used by this Oblate priest to attract his parishioners to the churches he built in the North.

Youngblood of the Peace is a journey, a story about a dwindling race. It is the story of the Peace, and of one of the pioneers who could never leave. A book that captures an era, a place, and a society that has become "lost in time."


Honourable Mention, Alberta Nonfiction Awards, 1987 (first published by Lone Pine Publishers, Edmonton, 1986)

One Act Play, Fringe Festival, Edmonton, 1988

Detselig Enterprises, Calgary, 1991
ISBN 1-55059-033-2

List price: $14.95 CDN

Order: through your local book store or contact author at email listed on this website

Reviews:   “Matheson Arrives With Youngblood.” “Many books published in Canada never sell 500 copies. Calgary writer Shirlee Smith Matheson not only sold twice that many of her first work recently, but she did it in a single week. She sold the 600 copies she’d brought [to the official launch in Fort St. John] and drummed up orders for 400 more. . . . With Youngblood of the Peace Matheson has arrived. She’s going to be around a long time.” Ken McGoogan, The Calgary Herald, E5, Nov. 9/86

 “Youngblood’s Colorful Career” [The book] is like a trip home – not over super-highways but by the muddy back roads. . . . [It] is more than a single snapshot. It is a well-preserved family album of the Mighty Peace.” Western Catholic Reporter, p. 16, Feb. 9/87

Youngblood of the Peace is rich with stories of the old ways, of the new ways, of ingenious and sometimes startling methods used by this Oblate priest to attract his Indian and white parishioners to the churches he built in the north of Alberta and British Columbia.  [It] is a journey, a story about a dwindling race. It is the story of the Peace, and of one of the pioneers who could never leave.” The Cornerstone, Journal of the Alberta Historical Resources Foundation, Vol. 10, #1, Spring/87.



Writer of award-winning
fiction and Non-fiction
Canadian Adventure Books

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Copyright 2000-2005
Shirlee Smith Matheson
page date Jan 09, 2015

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